Some paint education......
It's important to measure the paint before doing any type of corrective work or "buffing" as many call it.
The days of thick paint are over. Vehicles are new with factory paint thinner than a sticky note. Measuring the paint tells us a lot about what we can and cannot do to the vehicle.
Paint correction is a skilled person's work. It's a decision of how far to go to benefit the client based on their wants and needs. Paint inconsistencies can come from several different scenarios. The vehicle could have been repainted. It's possible that the vehicle could have been "buffed" several times in the past. The "buffing" process removes clear coat every time. Having an experienced technician handle this level of paintwork will pay for itself long term. Clear expectations, proper work, and knowing the paint systems is beneficial to reaching the desired result for the client. Whether it's a perfect show car finish or just an overall improvement, we can definitely help you achieve a new love for your vehicle.

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