Ozone or trioxygen is commonly used to remove lingering odor in vehicles and other spaces.
Often listed under “odor removal” on service menus, this straightforward name represents a service that is full of complexities.
Using a small ozone generator, professional detailers can remove unpleasant odors using the power of ozone. Like that of oxygen, ozone has a similar molecular build just with a third oxygen atom making it unstable and forcing self-stabilization by neutralizing any foreign gases it comes in close proximity with.

Ozone generators range in output typically from 500 mg/hour up to 25,000 mg/hour. It’s proven that having a higher output will be more effective regardless of run time.
Of course, the higher the output the more expensive this odor removal service maybe and that’s disregarding type of odor and case-by-base scenarios.
Signing up for an odor removal service is not like your regular detail service. Odor Removal, ozone, or whatever you’d like to call it should be considered a deep cleanse.
Unlike typical cleaners, ozone has the ability to reach every little crevice and nook for total coverage. Also, unlike normal cleaners, ozone does not leave behind any sort of residue that arguably some products will.
With all the benefits of ozone, you may be left wondering why ozone treatment is not more popular. The reason could very well be drawn from the fact that ozone is dangerous!
First and foremost, pure ozone is deadly if exposed to humans for extended periods of time.
So, it is highly advised to hire a professional that will fully enclose and unman a space before treating. After ozone treatment, always allow adequate time for the vehicle, or space to fully air out. There could be a lingering static smell apparent for up to a few days after treatment. This smell is mostly harmless and should dissipate moments after starting up the vehicle.
Added benefits of ozone include the ability for it to kill bacteria, mold and viruses. An experiment using ozone on the coronavirus resulted in a killing rate of 99.22% against the virus. More information on that experiment can be found here.
If you like the benefits of ozone treatment and think it could be good for your vehicle, do your research and find a reputable detailer in your area. Not all ozone treatments are the same!!
Contact us if you need help finding a solution to your odor problem.