When you clean your cars seats and carpets there is a two-step method?
Most situations people use an all-purpose cleaner or carpet cleaner..... The downfall in this method is that the end result looks clean but in realty the seat/carpet are left alkaline or acidic because it was never neutralized.
At Silverline we do the following:
1. Wash the car seats/carpets with an alkaline material cleaner to remove all stain and marks.
2. A thorough rinse of the cars seats/carpets with and acidic material cleaner to neutralize the seats to a PH of 7
IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT….The seats must be thoroughly rinsed and neutral, if the seats/carpets are not thoroughly rinsed and they get wet from rain etc., they will act as a soapy rag and clean what it comes in contact with like your shoes soles or dirty pants.
